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Xiao Hu
Xiao Hu
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Join date : 2017-06-28

Did I interpret this correctly Empty Did I interpret this correctly

Wed 28 Jun 2017, 21:38

Did I interpret this correctly Off_linedreameagle

Did I interpret this correctly

Did I interpret this correctly Idu
Posts: 16
11/04/14 11:14
I threw the coins a couple of days ago, to ask when steven (male) and I (female) could get back together. I apologize since my computer will not let me copy and paste so I am typing it in.
I got this

year w  month  cn  date yo VI   empty y&m

Trapped                  Queen

P wa  x                   P sh  -   yel
B yo  -                    B s  -    red
K h  -  U                 R w  -   grn
R w  x                    B yo -   blk
P cn -                     K h  -   wht            
G y --  J                  P c -- gry

6 match

As far as I have read the appointed star should be the R star, which turns into the action star B. On the U line the  Happiness star K turns into the R star in the second hexagram. at this time the y is empty, and it bounds to the K h , so I have to wait until that emptiness fulfills, which can happen when s strikes with y, either year, month or date. And the B star from the second hexagram bounded to the date. Or should I give up hope, since the book says that R kills B, and G kills P. I appreciate the help
Thank you



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Did I interpret this correctly Off_lineXiao Hu Did I interpret this correctly 51x5vr #1 [-]
Did I interpret this correctly U
Posts: 830
11/04/14 15:11
The original names of hexagrams, not the ones Alex gave them, are : 47. K'un / Oppression (Exhaustion) changing to 44. Kou / Coming to Meet .
You can read about the general meaning of each hex  here

There is a connection between J and U. Problem is Self line (you) is ineffective (empty) damaged by day (metal destroy wood) and in retiring stage under month.  So self is considered very weak under dates having no ability to effect any other line or the situation in this current state.  3rd line and top move to bound with each other suggesting it's hard for him to commit to a relationship. 


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Did I interpret this correctly Off_linewwfjdraw #2 [-]
Did I interpret this correctly U
Posts: 124
11/04/14 19:58
Edited due to errors.

Edited 2 times by wwfjdraw 12/04/14 11:57.

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Did I interpret this correctly Off_linenazurcar #3 [-]
Did I interpret this correctly Idu
Posts: 21
12/04/14 01:53
Let me help with this reading.

This is a very straight forward question with a straight forward answer.

The 6th line advancing Pwa bound to Rw.

The question were asking about the couple situation will there be something happen between them.

So we got Rw at U. Its something.

But then U also were bound by frustation star P from the top line.

My guess will be if they get together ? Unlikely.

Hope this info helps.
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