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Dating questions Empty Dating questions

Tue 01 Nov 2022, 21:47
I'm extremely rusty, I didn't know I could even log into this board anymore as I lost my old password.

I asked if I'd get a match if I go speed dating this week and got:


Year: y, Month: sh, Day: wa-VI, Empty: t & c

      Kan - 29          Return - 24

      B t  - - J        P yo - -      yel
      R sh  O           B h  - -      red
      P s  - -          R c  - -      grn
      G w  - - U        R cn - -      blk
      R cn  O           K y  - -      wht
      K y   X           B t   -       gry

      6 Strike          6 Match

The U line has G turning into R, but the rule on that relates to a specific girl; does it mean no match for me (even with 6 strike turning into 6 match)?

I later asked if what month I'd be able to get a girlfriend and got:


Year: y, Month: sh, Day: wa-VI, Empty: t & c

      Solution - 40     Bride - 54

      G sh - -          G sh - -      yel
      R s  - - U        R s  - -      red
      K w   -           K w   -       grn
      K w  - -          G c  - -      blk
      G cn  -  J        B m   -       wht
 P t  B y   X           K e   -       gry


Which doesn't make much sense to me, but doesn't look positive; is this me getting friendzoned or other guys competing women away from me?

Also, if (unrelated to these 2 questions, but in relation to my efforts to find a woman) there's a girl I like who my best chance to meet her is if her father will make an introduction, would R star represent him or B star if I ask will he introduce me if I befriend him before I ask?
Xiao Hu
Xiao Hu
Posts : 307
Reputation : 12
Join date : 2017-06-28

Dating questions Empty Re: Dating questions

Fri 02 Dec 2022, 18:58
Haven't been here for a while. How did it go in the end ? did you meet anyone in speed dating ?

As for 2nd hex you asked When so P star should be the appointed and is empty and hidden . you also have 2 empty lines in between but for a hidden empty star to come out you also need it to be strike out so maybe w date is your answer.     sorry, am not very good with relationship questions .
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